Friday, August 28, 2009

I'm Going to Start Bitching About Stuff Again!

Recently I moved into a house. It’s not very nice. I’m living here roughly a year. I’m going to complain about it, and my housemates. Welcome!

There are four of us in the house including me. Of the other three, I only knew one of them before about a month ago. They are all black. I am not. Getting that tingly sitcom feeling yet? Last year my roommate in the dorm was also black, and whenever he’d do something “crazy” he’d always say, “I guess you’re gonna learn something about living with black folk, huh?” I liked this because folk implies more than one (which he wasn’t), and he’d say it after doing things I found perfectly normal, such as cutting his own hair.

Although it’s purely coincidence, I kind of feel odd now that I realize my last five roommates have been black. And I feel odd mostly because I’m terribly racist. Though it burns the nonsensical hatred swirling deep within my body, I’m trying to keep my racism to myself. Not because I want to get along with my housemates, but more because I like spy movies.

Anyway, the only reason I’m here is because they needed a fourth person and I had no other prospects. The whole thing came together very quickly. Basically my friend called me up and said, “We think we found a place that’s spacious and not too much money. Here’s the guy’s number. Call him, go look at it and let us know.” I did, I went and it was fine. I guess I don’t know what to look for in a house. It had some walls, a few doors and stuff like that. It was also filthy, but I attribute that to the people living there and assumed the house would be cleaned before we moved it.

It was, but either not very well or the previous occupants were pigs. It looks like they might have shit on the carpet regularly. The walls are disgusting, and there’s a good chance they performed human sacrifices in the basement. Quick sidenote- the basement does feature my favorite part of the house. It has a door leading from the underground basement outside, so we have a door leading to a few stairs and then those doors slanting downwards (or upwards depending on how you look at it) you have to swing open to get outside. And if that’s not enough, both of those doors lock by putting giant blocks of wood across the doors. It’s straight out of a zombie movie.

But that’s not the only part of the house that conjures up thoughts of horror movies. Someone might’ve killed a person outside the living room. There is a huge red stain on the outside of the window. And it looks like it was splattered on at an angle, like, say, if you hit someone with a shovel. The building manager’s guess was that it was bird shit. I agree… if the bird ate humans, was the size of Mothra and shits while flying by the window during a tornado with the wind strong enough to move feces but not break windows. Seriously, it’s like a Jackson Pollack painting (Zing! Art refence!)

Basically, we live in a shithole. A bunch of the windows have cracks in them, including both windows in my room, which also don’t have screens on them. My mother came to help me get some furniture and move in, and she was worried that since the windows are broken it might be easy for someone to break in. My theory is that the house is so crappy that a robber would think it’s abandoned or that there is nothing of worth inside. Or they might just think it’s too easy of a gig. Robbers are notorious for wanting a challenge. That’s the thrill. It’s not about money.

My mom also met the building manager to tell him what a shithole the house was, and the three of us walked through the place as she told him what needed to be fixed. She then told me and the two housemates I hadn’t met before this summer to make sure this guy follows through with his promises.

The house has three floors, but the third was clearly an attic at one time, and the owner decided to carpet it up and build two small bedrooms, including one with a bathroom inside of it. It’s really hot up there. I live on the third floor. The second floor has two decent-sized rooms and one stand-alone bathroom. I ended up on the third floor because I didn’t move in the first day the house was ours. Two guys did, and they took the second floor rooms. I ended up with the non-bathroom third floor room because it was a little bigger, and I felt I’d rather walk into someone else’s room to go to the bathroom than have someone walk into mine.

So I start moving some stuff into the house, and in the third floor bathroom I hang up a shower curtain. My friend lives on that floor, but hasn’t moved in yet. The next day he calls (at 9 am, which is the only time he ever calls) to ask why there is a shower curtain in his bathroom. I say because I was under the impression it was our bathroom. He thought it would be weird and inconvenient (to him) to have someone walking into his room to use the bathroom. I said it’s the bathroom on the third floor, which is where I live, therefore that’s the bathroom I should use. He said that of course I could use the bathroom, as long as he was gone. He also said his phone was dying and he’d call me back.

I was pissed at that point, thinking did this dude really think he was getting his own bathroom while three of us shared one, or that I was going to use the bathroom in the basement? He called back and sort of came around, saying we just need to work out times when we have to use the bathroom and such.

Another day or two pass, and my friend texts me: “There are a bunch of ants in the house. Do you think you can have your mom call [the building manager] to get an exterminator?” Now a few things piss me off here. 1) He never met my mom; 2) He has time to text, why can’t he make the call? 3) Are they in my room? If so, fine I’ll call. Also if so, why are you in my room?

So I text “One of us should make the call, what rooms are they in?” He says some of the bedrooms. I tell him I’m at work and don’t have the manager’s phone number, which I thought was a pretty nice way of saying, “Hey, maybe someone else should make the call.” Truthfully, I’m just lazy. He then texts me the guy’s phone number, which once again pissed me off.

I feel I should take time out real quick to make mention the two guys I didn’t know before living with them seem alright so far. One is from the south, speaks with a drawl and I think might be gay, but probably isn’t. He does have that stereotypical gay man’s ‘tude, though, which is awesome. He says things like “nuh uh,” “you best not…” and “my grandmamma.” He also walks around singing a lot.

The other guy seems like the one I’ll talk to most. We already have a whole scenario worked out about how the swinging open double doors are going to help us escape the impending zombie attack while we rest up to try and save the planet. On another note, I just learned from the other two roommates that he’s a sleep eater! He goes into the kitchen late at night and eats a bunch of food and has no idea he’s doing it. I thought they were joking, but they weren’t. It’s great. The sleep eater put padlocks on the fridge and freezer, and we’re going to lock them at night so he can’t get it. I mean, there’s a bunch of food in pantries, but it’s still hilarious and great. The padlocks on the fridge are my second favorite part of the house. As I joked in my head, “The fridge is now the safest part of the house. That’s where I’m going to put my valuables.”

Back to the story. I called the building manager and got him to get us an exterminator, but sounded like an idiot in doing so since I hadn’t seen of these ants and didn’t know what rooms they were in. I told him I think they’re in some of the bedrooms, but not my friend’s. I said his room is clean, I’m positive. I did this because I’m petty and I’m a dick.

So not only is the house in terrible condition, but it’s apparently overrun with ants. There is absolute no way a movie is not made about my time in this house. As of now I only see two different types of movies that can be made. One is a coming-on-age bullshit movie about four very different people coming together in their senior year of college under one roof.

The other is that we all get hacked up living in this place.

Stay tuned for more adventures of me complaining about things! I think in the coming weeks I’m going to try and snap some photos of the lovely place while nobody else is around and post those up. Until then, hope I’m in the first movie!


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I Don't Think I've Ever Enjoyed Anything This Much

This thing is fucking fudge-packed with gold.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Fuck That Other Guy. I Walk the Line!

You ever been broken up with by someone who cared a lot more than you did?  It's kind of an uncomfortable situation. Not only that, but when it's done over AIM, it takes forever.

I was just about to go back to watching TV, when she started the break-up song. How frustrating, right?  I mean, if I'd left a second earlier, I'd still have been laying around giggling to myself. But no, it was time for the whole "moving to fast" thing, which was weird, by the way, because, if I remember correctly, I never initiated anything -- any momentum we built up was completely her doing.

Anyway, it started happening, and what was I supposed to do? "Sorry, can we pause this break-up thing for a sec until I'm done with this episode of Curb?" So, I'm pretty much stuck now on AIM, so I started messaging one of my friends to give him the play-by-play.  If I had to sit through this, shouldn't someone else? It at least gave me something to do while sitting through the downtime in between each paragraph she sent about how it wasn't me,  but her!

The really tough part is this, though. She kept apologizing, and I was starting to run out of vaguely ambiguous things to say to make it seem as if I was understanding, and to make her not feel bad, while not making it look like I was actually upset, but not eliminating the possibility either.  I didn't want her to feel bad about this -- I mean, I barely know her. I don't want to go around hurting strangers' feelings all over the place; I'm not that kind of asshole. -- but, on the other hand, I didn't want to make it seem like I was taking this hard or something. How embarrassing would that be? So, I didn't really know what to say really, other than shit like "Yeah, I mean, don't worry about it! ... S'all good!" I think I came off looking like a really well adjusted guy (Which can't be the case... wait, are cold, unfeeling robots well-adjusted? I guess a robot's being well-adjusted has more to do with precision mechanics, doesn't it?) .  But I was this close to just going "Don't feel bad. Honestly, I wasn't that invested in this!" To which she might reply, "You mean... emotionally?" And then, since I'm so honest, I would have to say, "Well... really, in any respect.  I just wasn't that invested at all."

Eventually, I was able to end that apology part of it. But by making a joke, which was, I think, a ballsy gambit.  I mean, I don't want to insult her by not really caring, but what if the joke comes off as too nonchalant? Then I'm really fucked, because she thinks I'm an asshole, and I wasted all that effort to avoid that in the apology section of the break-up. It seems to have worked, though, because the apology part did end, and she didn't flip out on me.  But I'm not sure, because her response was first, "lol," followed quickly by, "I don't even know what to say to that." So, I guess she was throwing that "vaguely ambiguous" technique right back at me.

So, that was kind of awkward.  But now, I feel great!  It's like a shot of energy; I've watched TWO MORE episodes of Curb, and I bet I'll be able to throw another one in before I fall asleep. And I can feel a burst of productivity coming. I mean, just look, I posted something on this blog! What more do I need to say?


Shit, I just realized she still has my can-opener.

**Update: I got it back.**

Saturday, July 4, 2009

True Story.

Yesterday, as I was in line to get to the ATM, I met a woman who had NEVER USED AN ATM BEFORE IN HER ENTIRE LIFE.  She looked like she was at least in her 80's.  The bank was closed (and has been for several weeks), but she tried for around ten minutes to open the door, but just kind of holding on to the handle, but not really pulling.  When someone told her that the bank was closed, and that she could get money from the ATM, she confusedly said OK, and then proceeded to watch the person at the machine very closely, ostensibly to see how this machine operated.  She started looking through her wallet for a card to use (the man at the machine had told her she needed a bank card, otherwise I don't think she would have made it this far), and pulled out a piece of white cardstock paper with her account info written on it in pen. "Can I use this?" she asked me.

"I don't think so," I replied. She slowly left the room, apparently to find the neighborhood apothecary. I need a new bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervine Pills, she thought. The world's never moved so fast.

Monday, June 29, 2009

A Serious Inquiry

Alright, how come every bus I ever take has to smell like either the Incredible Hulk's bleeding vagina, or like Louie Anderson just took a shit in Ralphie May's mouth?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

You're Bastard People!